- Antelope
- Bear
- Cat
- Cobra
- Crocodile
- Electric eel
- Elephant
- Flying fox
- Fox
- Goat
- Gorilla
- Owl
- Pangolin
- Raven
- Rhinoceros
- Shark
- Tiger
- Water buffalo
- Wold
- Vulture
HD: 1
Found: 1d20 on plains
Appearance: elegant cervine, with winding horns and striped fur.
Voice: high-pitched bleating
Wants: clear plains and tasty grass
Tactics: run away, stags fight predators if necessary
Attack: +1
Defense: +1
Speed: +5
- Horns or hooves: light damage
HD: 3
Found: 1d6 (first two adults, all others cubs) in forests
Appearance: brutish black-furred shaggy creature with stocky limbs and broad paws. Large head with small eyes and white snout.
Voice: warbling roar
Wants: fish, insects, fruit, caves
Tactics: aggressive, charging and roaring loudly
Attack: +4
Defense: +2
Speed: +1
- Claws and bite: heavy damage
HD: 0 (1 vigor)
Found: 1d4 in town
Appearance: small lithe creature with a long body and round head, short tapered ears and long narrow tail pointing upward as it languidly strides along.
Voice: piercing mewl
Wants: small, weak prey and affection with inscrutable timing
Tactics: escape by any means available, attack only if cornered
Attack: +1
Defense: +2
Speed: +7
- Claws: 1 damage
HD: 1
Found: solitary in deserts and jungles
Appearance: long winding form tipped with large-eyed, narrow head, often licking the air with a long threadlike tongue. Flares hood if disturbed.
Voice: hissing
Wants: to be left alone as it hunts
Tactics: hisses to warn off larger predators, sneaks up on small prey
Attack: +2
Defense: 0
Speed: +4
- Bite: 1 damage +1d6 poison
HD: 3
Found: 1d6 in rivers
Appearance: long and plump reptile with especially short limbs and scale ridges along its length. A quarter of its body length is a massive mouth, with tiny eyes resting behind. They like to rest on shores with mouths open, brandishing their numerous teeth.
Voice: low pitched, soft hissing roar
Wants: meat
Tactics: on land, wait until a creature comes close. In water, bite and drag prey down.
Attack: +5
Defense: +1
Speed: -1
Found: 1d6 in rivers
Appearance: long and plump reptile with especially short limbs and scale ridges along its length. A quarter of its body length is a massive mouth, with tiny eyes resting behind. They like to rest on shores with mouths open, brandishing their numerous teeth.
Voice: low pitched, soft hissing roar
Wants: meat
Tactics: on land, wait until a creature comes close. In water, bite and drag prey down.
Attack: +5
Defense: +1
Speed: -1
- Bite: heavy damage, can attack while closing distance.
Electric eel
HD: 1
Found: 1d4 in rivers
Appearance: long and sturdy, with small eyes, mouth, and fins. Divots cover its dull black body and orange belly.
Voice: crackling with energy
Wants: to be left in the mud and eat shrimp
Tactics: electrocute then bite
Attack: +2
Defense: +1
Speed: +3
- Shock pulse: can be used 1d6 times per hour, dealing 1d6 shock damage plus save vs stun to all nearby.
- Bite: light damage
HD: 5
Found: 1d6 adults with 1d6 young on plains and in jungles
Appearance: massive grey beast with fan-like ears and a tentacular nose flanked by tusks. Large forehead and downcast eyes give it a thoughtful, sober look.
Voice: trumpeting
Wants: to be clean and eat plants
Tactics: circle the young and charge predators
Attack: +5
Defense: +4
Speed: +2
- Tusks: medium damage
- Stomp: heavy damage, -2 defense for the round
Flying fox
HD: 1
Found: 1d6 in jungles at night
Appearance: large eyes and big nose, with eerily long fingers that turn into wings when spread. Bright orange portions of otherwise dull black fur.
Voice: shrill birdlike chirping
Wants: bugs and fruit, high perches
Tactics: fly away from danger
Attack: -1
Defense: -1
Speed: +7
- Wing bash: 1 damage
HD: 2
Found: 1d6 in forests at twilight
Appearance: narrow beast with a slender snout and curious eyes.
Voice: brief, strained, piercing wail
Wants: small animals, play
Tactics: very tricky
Attack: +2
Defense: +1
Speed: +4
- Bite: light damage
HD: 2
Found: 1d6 along mountainsides
Appearance: stocky creature with short curved horns and long floppy ears. Its beard is almost as unusual as its eyes
Voice: insistent baaah-ing
Wants: grass and space
Tactics: stubborn
Attack: +3
Defense: +2
Speed: +3
- Headbutt: light damage
HD: 3
Found: 1d6 deep in forests
Appearance: a hunched, dark figure covered in fur, with long arms, short legs, and a small face.
Voice: prolonged snorting, inhuman laughter, and angry roars
Wants: food, mates, and peace
Tactics: aggressive
Attack: +4
Defense: +3
Speed: +3
- Slam: heavy damage
HD: 1
Found: solitary at night
Appearance: surprisingly stout bird with tiny ears and large eyes.
Voice: eerie hooting
Wants: mice
Tactics: fly away
Attack: +1
Defense: +1
Speed: +5
- Wing bash: 1 damage
HD: 2
Found: solitary in deserts and forests
Appearance: tapering face and long tail, round body covered in large angular scales. Remarkably long tongue.
Voice: quiet
Wants: ants
Tactics: curl up into a ball
Attack: 0
Defense: +5
Speed: -1
HD: 0 (1 vigor)
Found: 1d20 anywhere
Appearance: large shiny black bird with narrow, sharp beak and protruding feathers.
Voice: unsettling caw
Wants: savory food, whatever it can get its talons on
Tactics: very tricky
Attack: -1
Defense: -1
Speed: +4
- Claws or peck: light damage
HD: 5
Found: 1d6 adults with 1d4-1 young on plains
Appearance: bulky grey beast with overlapping, bumpy armor and a horn atop its nose. Small, dismissive eyes and expressive ears.
Voice: low, growling moo
Wants: to graze in peace
Tactics: aggressive but careful
Attack: +4
Defense: +4
Speed: +3
- Horn: heavy damage
HD: 3
Found: 2d6 in the ocean
Appearance: long and broad with a tapered face and tiny eyes. The mouth opens impossibly wide, revealing countless razor sharp teeth.
Voice: quiet
Wants: flesh
Tactics: thoughtlessly aggressive
Attack: +6
Defense: +2
Speed: +4
- Bite: heavy damage
HD: 4
Found: solitary, 50% chance of 1d4 young in jungles
Appearance: long-bodied creature with a large head and unmistakable striped fur of orange and black.
Voice: powerful roar
Wants: to swim and eat large animals
Tactics: sneak attacks, clever
Attack: +4
Defense: +2
Speed: +5
- Bite and claws: heavy damage
Water buffalo
HD: 2
Found: 1d20 in a herd near rivers
Appearance: bulky animal with short fur and broad horns
Voice: whining moo
Wants: to graze and roll in mud
Tactics: careful
Attack: +2
Defense: +3
Speed: +3
- Horns: medium damage
HD: 1
Found: 2d6 in forests
Appearance: larger than a dog, with a narrow snout and piercing eyes, tufts of grey or black fur sprout from its face and legs.
Voice: barking, growling, and howls
Wants: to bring food back to their pack
Tactics: careful, tricky, coordinated
Attack: +2
Defense: +1
Speed: +4
- Bite: light damage
HD: 2
Found: 1d6 on plains
Appearance: scraggly bird with large beak and round head on a long, bare neck. Dark feathers cover its hunched body.
Voice: angry squawks and chittering
Wants: dead meat
Tactics: careful, cowardly
Attack: +1
Defense: -1
Speed: +3
- Peck and wing bash: light damage
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